Political and Permanent Executives and Their Power

Concept Explanation

Political and Permanent Executives and Their Power

EXECUTIVE: The functionaries (the people and organisation) who take day-to-day decisions but do not exercise supreme power on behalf of the people are known as executive. They are called executive because they are in charge of the execution of the policies of the government. By executive we usually mean the government.

Political and Permanent Executive: In a democratic country, two categories make up the executive. They are Political executive and Permanent executive.

  • (i) Political Executive: They are elected by the people for a specific period. They take major decisions. Political leaders fall in this categories.
  • (ii) Permanent Executive: They are appointed on a long-term basis. They are also known as civil servants. They remain in office even when the ruling party changes. They work under political executive and assist them for carrying out daily administration.
  • Powers of Permanent and Political Executive

  • ·   The political executive has more power than the permanent executive. This is because the political executive is elected by the people and in a democracy will of people is supreme. The political executive exercise the will of the people on their behalf. They are answerable to the people for all consequences of their decisions.
  • ·   Permanent executive are more educated and have expertise on the subject of ministry. For instance, advisor of the finance ministry know more about economics than the finance minister.
  • But still decision of the finance minister will be the final. Political executive can take advice of the permanent executive and then decide the overall framework and objectives of the policy to be implemented.


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